7, WATERLOO STREET, KOLKATA – 700069 info@misragroup.in


We have more than years of experience

About Our Company


We are well aware of all the cautioning tales that people feed us, one step at a time, learn to walk before you try flying and so on… They also say that only by walking can a path be made.

Misra group of companies began its treading venture in iron ore mining in the late sixties and paved itself a path which by the mid nineties meant that the group had branched out and expanded to various other downstream sectors like steel manufacturing, infrastructure, logistics and several other emerging sectors.

iron ore mining Company

Our Businesses

Misra group of companies began its treading venture in iron ore mining in the late sixties and paved itself a path which by the mid nineties meant that the group had branched out and expanded to various other downstream sectors like steel manufacturing, infrastructure, logistics and several other emerging sectors.

Misra group of companies

Mission & Vission

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We take pride in being a socially responsible corporate group and our aim is to invest in a sustainable future in a hope that we can help our future generation.


We pledge by better quality, constant innovation and be responsible and strive in giving back something to the planet.

Our Values

What we do and what we stand for is what defines us as a group. Our group is governed by principles that function as the core tenet that guides us.

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CSR Initiatives

CSR Initiatives


The model used is centered around peripheral development within the district level. The project identification mechanism is adopted. All projects are planned in a participatory manner, in consultation with the community, literally sitting with them, and gauging their basic needs. We take recourse to “participatory rural appraisal”’ which is a mapping process. Subsequently based on a consensus and in discussion with the district heads, village panchayats, we prioritize requirements. Once a project is identified, implementation is the responsibility of the community and our team, as is the monitoring of milestones and the other aspects. Monitoring entails physical verification of the progress and the actual output of the project.

CSR Initiatives

CSR Initiatives

Year 2010-11
  • Noise, Vibration Survey & Other Scientific studies 1st Prize.
  • Over all performance other than fully mechanized Mines 1st prize.
  • Air quality management 2nd prize
  • Afforestation 2nd prize
  • Waste dump management 1st prize
  • Best publicity and propaganda – 1st prize
Year 2011-12
  • Mines safety week celebration – Over all performance 1st prize
  • Mines safety week celebration – Publicity 1st prize
  • Mines safety week celebration – Waste Dump Management 1st prize.
Year 2012-13

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Meet All Members

Management Team

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Sourav Misra


Jagadish Misra


Susil Misra

Digital Marketing

Why You Choose Us?

Aenean euismod condimentum cursus in placerat quisque diam, volutpat massa turpis non pellentesque erat orci faucibus.

Superior customer service

Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea sharing listically

Valuable Employees

Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea sharing listically

Award Winner Company

Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea sharing listically

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